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Thurso Camera Club Membership Information - Thurso Camera Club

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Thurso Camera Club membership 2021/22
People who are thinking of joining the club can attend up to three meetings (at no cost) before applying to be a member by completing a membership form.
Anyone who agrees to actively support the Club’s object may apply for membership.
The membership subscription for 2021/22 is £30 for seniors and £15 for juniors (under 18 years of age).
The annual membership year applies from AGM to AGM (normally held in April).

Junior members under 16 years have to be accompanied at meetings and field trips by a responsible adult, preferably a family member.
The subscription covers members for public liability insurance when attending club meetings and field trips.
It also covers club membership of the Scottish Photographic Federation (https://www.scottish-photographic-federation.org/)
When meetings are held in the Pentland Hotel, Thurso, those attending have to pay a meeting fee of £3 (payable on the night) to help towards the hire of the room, screen, tea/coffee and biscuits/shortbread.
Only paid up members can represent the club in the annual Highland Challenge competition and other photography competitions, as an individual member representing Thurso Camera Club or part of the club team.

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