Thurso Camera Club Constitution - Thurso Camera Club

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CONSTITUTION (accepted at EGM 7th April 2008)

The Club shall be known as the THURSO CAMERA CLUB.

The furtherance of multi media photographic art  and technique among amateur workers and others; by exchanging friendly ideas and  mutual assistance among members as well as organising, holding and participating  in lectures, presentations, demonstrations, exhibitions, competitions, field  trips, training events and such like.
Any person interested in or practising photography as an amateur or professional and who agrees actively to support the Club’s objects may apply for membership.  Membership is subject to election at an ordinary meeting of the Club and to the approval of the Committee.

The Officers of the Club shall consist of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Hon  Secretary and Treasurer and such Assistant Officers as may from time to time be  decided; all to be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting subject to  the limit of an individual not serving greater than three consecutive years in post.

The affairs of the Club shall be managed by a Committee consisting of the  Officers and up to six other elected members.

The committee shall have the powers to run the Club for the benefit of  the Club and its members, to elect sub-committees whenever necessary, and to  co-opt members on to the Committee.

A quorum for the Committee Meetings shall consist of not less than four  (4) members of the Committee including the Chairman or Vice Chairman.

The Committee shall meet when called by the Hon Secretary, on the request  of the Chairman, or 3 Members of the Committee.

An Annual  General Meeting of the Club shall be held each year in April.  The business  of the AGM shall include: Minutes of the previous AGM, Hon Secretary’s Report,  Chairman’s Report, Treasurer’s Report including audited Statement of Accounts  and Balance Sheet, election of the Officers, election of the Committee and  appointment of the Auditors.

A quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall consist of not less than  50% of the total Membership.

Extraordinary General Meetings may be convened on a requisiton signed by  five members of the Club stating the object and sent to the Secretary at least  21 days before the date proposed.  The Secretary to notify all members at least  14 days before that, stating business to be discussed.

A quorum for  Extraordinary General Meetings shall consist of not less than 50% of the total membership.

Where any change to the constitution is proposed at an Annual General  Meeting the Secretary will be informed 21 days prior stating the proposed  change.

A proposal for the change in the constitution must be supported by 75% of  the members present.
Records of all Income and Expenditure shall be kept and the Treasurer’s Report to be submitted at the Annual General Meeting.  The financial year shall end on 31 March of each year.

Two ordinary Members to be elected at the Annual General Meeting as  Auditors.

The Annual Subscription and Meeting fees shall be recommended by the  Committee at each AGM and shall be subject to the agreement of the Members  present by a show of hands.

The name of any members whose subscription is in arrears may be struck  off the list of members by order of the Committee.
All Nominations and Propositions for Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings shall not be accepted unless given to the Hon Secretary fourteen days before the date of the meeting and signed by two members of the Club as proposer and seconder.

In the event of anything occurring not provided  for or not clear within this constitution, the Committee shall have power to  deal with the same at their discretion.

The Club may be dissolved only by the consent of  three quarters of the Members present at an Extraordinary General Meeting called  for that purpose.  Such meeting shall appoint a Liquidator and decide on the  disposal of all Club funds and Assets.
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